The Entrepreneurship Committee and College OJT Committee, in collaboration with the SME Development Fund, organised a workshop on Inma Leadership as a part of series of E-club activities at Ibri College of Technology, VIP Room, on 7 May 2018. It started at 09.30am and finished at 02.30pm. In continuation with the earlier semesters’ activity, the stage 3 and stage 4 sessions were conducted. The workshop was started by Mr Qais Al Balushi, Trainer, SME Development Fund, with his presentation. It was followed by a training session with grouping of students and conducting activities for inculcating the various skills of entrepreneurship. The activities included presentation skills, icebreakers, idea generation and games. As part of the fourth session, the stage was set for coaching the students on how to work with small and normal hands on jobs under the ‘Hands of Oman’ caption and the talk was given by the students, trained by Mr Qais Al Balushi.

Around 35 students took part and benefitted from the workshop to move forward. It was successfully conducted and on behalf of Entrepreneurship Committee. I am thankful to the College Management, Heads of Business Studies Department, SME Development Fund, for their support with special thanks to OJT college coordinator Mr Zaid Al-Badi and faculty members of Business Studies Department.


The Entrepreneurship Committee and College OJT committee in collaboration with SME Development Fund organized a workshop on Inma Leadership as a part of E-club activities in IbriCT, VIP Room, on 18 March 2018.
The workshop that started at 09.00am and ended at 02.30pm was conducted in two sessions. Both the sessions were conducted by Mr Nadeem Ahmed, Trainer from Eshraqa, Kimji Ramdas Training and Development Center with Mr Qais Al-balushi (SME Trainer) and Mr Nithin (Trainer in Kimji Ramdas)